Bethel UMC Photo Album
2022 Bethel Covid Time Service

Transfiguration Sunday
February 27, 2022



Reading a note of appreciaton from the Florida conference

Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"


Birthdays & Anniversaries

Youth Moment

Pastor Ralph talks about the Heifer Fund...

...closing with prayer

Opening Hymn: "Your Grace is Enough"

Call to Worship

Call to Worship...Affirmation of Faith...

...and singing of Gloria Patria


Appreciation for offerings of service and support...

...special thanks to Travis for leading funeral service while pastor was away...

Prayer of Thanksgiving......and singing of the Doxology

Old Testament Reading

Scripture: "Psalm 99"

...and commentary

Prayer Concerns

Closing with the pastoral prayer...

...and the Lord's prayer...

Travis introduces the praise song: "I Saw the Light"

The Message

Scripture: "Luke 9:28-36"

Message: "I Saw the Light"

Hymn: "God is So Good"



Closing Chorus: "Bind Us Together"

There were 18 here for the church service today.
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