May 23, 2021

Sources of Information for Today's Online Service
This page has links to information used or encountered in preparing this online service.

The Day of Pentecost
Pentecost before Pentecost
a Wikipedia article with many Traditions of Pentecost

Aldersgate Day
Aldersgate Day
John Wesley's Aldersgate Experience
"I felt I did trust in Christ alone for salvation"
How Aldersgate Changed John Wesley
a 3-minute video
The following items relate to a presentation given in the church service today:
Aldersgate Walking Tour
Walking Tour Program
Walking Tour Map
Wesley's LONDON Walking Map

Guidance from UMC Discipleship Ministries
This is the First in a series of six Worship Services from the Discipleship Ministries for the season of Pentecost. The graphics at the top of this page list the topics for each of the services in the Series.
(Click on an earlier service's graphic to view that service's Resource page.)

Worship Series: "When the Spirit Moves"
When the Spirit moves, amazing things happen. But they happen through the people who allow that Spirit to motivate them, to guide and direct them, to empower them for the work of making disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. This isn’t a small thing, not just a personal, in-house thing. This is a transforming the world thing. And all would agree that this needs transformation. This series is about what can happen when a people submit to the Spirit. It is a journey through the lectionary texts that will help us see and understand how to be a Spirit- filled people of God. We are equipped to be communities of faith who are ready to go when the Spirit moves.

This Week's Theme: "Spirit Poured Out"
Liturgical Resources
Pentecost worship is about joy, and the invitation is to let the Spirit be poured out on you. But remember, that “you” is plural. Let the Spirit be poured out on all y’all. It was because they were gathered together that this happened.
Worship Planning Notes
Preaching Notes

Lectionary Scriptures:
Acts 2:1- 21; Psalm 104:24- 34,35b ; Romans 8:22- 27; John 15:26- 27;16:4b-15
Suggested Hymns . Music Notes . DM Accompaniments

Sources of Music for the following hymns are:
- UMH CD.....UDM - DM Accompaniment..... MM/DD/YY - Recorded Service

Hymns Considered For this week: