Last Sunday's Service at Bethel

5th Sunday of Easter
Mother's Day

May 10, 2020

Pastor: Ralph Wrightstone BULLETIN . Photos Music Director: Travis Oaks

The pictures above were taken at last week's open-air service at Bethel...thanks to Tina Oaks. The 22 who gathered there for this historic and memorable occasion were treated to a spirit led service under sun-filled skies in the shade of the over sheltering oaks. We will continue having services both at Bethel and online as we venture into the "new world" that will follow the on-going pandemic. (Click on each individual picture above to see a larger version of it)

Today is Mother's Day, a day in which "social distancing" is especially disturbing for families with multiple households wanting to worship together. But the service keeps the focus on mothers, from the hymns, the call to worship and scripture selections, to a music special composed by Travis for this service, and the messages for youth and for all. So sit back and enjoy these moments...then use your phone to reach across the distance that is separating you from your other family members.

A new service will be available here before 10:00 am each Sunday so you may "gather" for an Early Service at 10:00 or the traditional service at 11:00 ...actually it will be available here at any time all week. We hope that you will find it a refreshing place to come into God's house.
NOTE: Each part of the service consists of an audio file and, for most, a Link to a pdf file of "projection slides". Click on the symbol to play the audio file under a separate browser tab or in a new window. Then select the "Bethel May 10,2020 Service" browser tab or return to this window to open the Link to the "slides". It is best to stop the playing of one Audio segment and close its tab or window before starting another. Thank you for coming. Our prayer will be that we will soon gather again for worship in Bethel's Sanctuary, but intil then we'll be here for you on Sunday morning.
Please let us know of any problems you have with or suggestions about this site by sending an email to "". If you have any announcements or prayer concerns you would like included next week you may contact Pastor Ralph Wrightstone directly at: 850-591-9785